Summer Thrift Shop Book Haul

Over the summer I found myself in various thrift stores more than I have in the past. I’ve tried to make it a goal to budget and try to save my money, and thrift shopping for things like furniture, dishes, lamps, and even work clothes has definitely saved me a pretty penny. However, I seem to still get in a bit of trouble if I go to the book section. In one store I found the Tolkien novels, and I found all the others in a local Goodwill. Here’s what I had purchased over the summer.



The 50th Anniversary Edition of The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien – It’s gold and in a fancy case. The cover of the book is also gold, with a green and red border of Elvish. It contains maps, a forward with original Tolkien drawings and notes, and artwork by Tolkien himself. I have to say that when I found this, I was pretty disappointed that someone would let this leave their possession. I’m glad they did though, because now I have it in mine. Around $5.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R Tolkien – It’s not too much of a surprise that right next to The Hobbit was the trilogy. Still a great find because they are in amazing condition, and even still have their dust jackets. I think I got the set for $12.

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larsson – I have the paperback of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and have been meaning to find the other two novels from the trilogy. I still need The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest. Around $2.

Good Omens by Neil Gaiman – I have been meaning to read this book since college and always forget to add it to my list. I remember seeing this book when I was in high school and wanting to read it. All the reviews I come across praise it’s brilliance. The goal is to read the book before the show is released later this year. Around $2.

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman – Another book I need to read before they release a tv show. I don’t see as much about this book as I do Good Omens or American Gods, but from the reviews I read, it’s definitely worth what I got it for. Around $3.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman – Someone was apparently getting rid of their Neil Gaiman collection, and I just so happen to have been lucky enough to get it. I’m not complaining, but how could you let these go? Purchased around $3.

The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice – The day I spotted this was the same day I found the Neil Gaiman novels. By the time I found this, I was pushing my budget for the day. They had a few Anne Rice novels I had never heard of. Since I was already pushing my limit, I decided to skip out on them and maybe find them another time. About $3.

Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice – I found it a book or two down the shelf and added it to my stack. About $3.

IT by Stephen King (not pictured above)– Unfortunately, I have never read a Stephen King book. Everyone in high school that I was friends with read at least ONE King book. I was too busy reading my classics. In college, I had plans on reading him, but never got to it. Now, I have the big bad book that everyone has been telling me to read, especially since the IT reboot has been out. I only got the paperback for .55 cents.

The Tolkien books were not purchased from Goodwill, but from a different thrift store in my area. I don’t know who has such great taste, but if they want to continue donating their collection so I can purchase them that would be great. I’m thinking about hitting up other thrift stores across town. Maybe I’ll come home with a lamp, maybe a crazy cup, maybe 15 more books. Who knows.